THE big BOOK OF MAGIC (Condensed Edition)
By Robert Strobel

Welcome to the big BOOK OF MAGIC.  You must have the Magic scroll for the spell you want to use! This is your guide to the many (and growing) spells available to use in Shadows Of Darkness.  They are in no particular order.  Most spells require that you be at a certain level before use.

Defensive Magic

Heal:  Heals wounds. (recovers 10 HP)
Level 1
MP: 10

Heal 2:  Heals wounds. (recovers 20 HP)
Level 5
MP: 15

X-Heal:  Heals wounds. (recovers 50 HP)
Level 10
MP:  25

Anti-Poison:  Gets rid of Poison status during battle.
Level 3
MP:  5

Cure:  Gets rid or any status ailments.
Level 10
MP: 20

Endurance:  Temporarily raises HP by +5 for one battle.
Level 5
MP: 10

Attacking Magic

Fire:  Shoots a ball of fire at the enemy.
Level 1
AP:  5
MP: 5

Fire 2:  Shoots 3 balls of fire at the enemy.
Level 3
AP: 10
MP: 10

X-Fire:  Sends a rain of fire about ALL the enemies!!
Level 10
AP: 20 (on each)
MP: 20

Ice:  Shoots an Icscicle at an enemy.
Level 1
AP: 5
MP: 5

Ice 2:  Shoots a Ball of Ice at an enemy.
Level 3
AP: 8
MP: 10

X-Ice:  Freezes an enemy for 2 turns.
Level 5
AP: 5
MP: 15

Lightning:  Shocks an enemy.
Level 1
AP: 5
MP: 5

Lightning 2:  A bolt of lightning comes from the sky and Zaps the enemy.
Level 3
AP: 10
MP: 8

X-Lightning:  Lightning comes down, and attacks all the enemies.
Level 10
AP: 15 each
MP: 20


Toad:  Turns an enemy into a toad. This excludes Bosses, and Magic users.
           The "toaded" enemy now has a max of 10 HP.  You gain no EXP from this enemy.
Level 5
MP: 10

Traitor:  Gives you control of one enemy for 1 turn.  This means you can use all its powers, and it
             can attack other enemies.
Level 10
MP: 20

If you have other magic you would like to see, email it to me at .